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Session Name:

Tales of a Billion in China: Currency System Design in The World III (Presented by NetEase)


China has the biggest market share of PC online games, and MMORPGs are one of the most favorite game genres of Chinese players. However, such questions often come up in the game designers' mind: which factors are key to the design of MMORPGs? In the long-term, how can PC online games be run in China? This speech will start from a very thorough inspection of the typical Chinese players, and introduce the mechanism for guiding the players' behavior and emotion. According to the law of the circulation of benefits, proper currency rules are made to let different kind of players take what they need, and find the suitable ways to play and achieve in their own way. Moreover, benign development of the virtual world can be achieved by the players and the persistent efforts of the designers. Additionally, macro-economic performance indicators are observed to monitor the status of the currency system, in connection with which appropriate methods are taken to guarantee the steady growth.

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  • GDC 2015
  • Wu Jiang
  • NetEase Games
  • free content
  • Design
  • Design