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Session Name:

In It for the Long Hall: How Wooga Boosts Long-Term Retention


Today's mobile games market is tough. With thousands of new titles being available to download every week and CPIs rising high, new game concepts need to stand out. But even more importantly, they need to stay relevant for a long time. Long-term retention is the key for having a realistic shot at the top-grossing ranks of the app stores. In the first part of this talk, attendees will learn how mobile game developer Wooga evaluates new IP to ensure a long-lasting gameplay experience. The second half will show one example of how storytelling and episodic content can drive long-term retention. Sebastian will share insights and learnings from Wooga's projects in episodic content production and how to best set up your team for the ride.

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  • GDC 2015
  • Sebastian Nussbaum
  • Wooga GmbH
  • Adam Telfer
  • Wooga GmbH
  • free content
  • Free to Play Summit
  • Social / Online Games